Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Art of the Pump Fake

[This was written during halftime of the Lakers/Nuggets, Game 4]

Welcome to the Mile High City! [that's Denver for you slow ones.]
A little extra altitude never hurt anybody, right? Plus, my Lakers play on a high level, not eye level.


Let's turn now to the top play of the first half. Remember, the top play is not always the score which garners the most points. It's not always a shot by the best player.
Sometimes it's the assist that leads to the score that makes you say - I LOVE THIS GAME!

[Que the dramatic music]

The art of the pump fake.
Never have I seen the pump fake used with such finesse.
Seven minutes and 15 ticks on the clock till halftime.
Kobe Bryant beyond the arc. [Nahara on D.]
Bryant looks for the outlet pass. [Nahara takes the bait, yet doesn't waiver.]
Bryant with the double pump fake. [At this point, Nahara is about to get dizzy by triple ocho, Kobe Bryant that is.]
Then, he slips into a pirouette prettier than one of Kristi Yamaguchi's triple axles.
The dish to Mbenga [Andrew Bynum, who?] for....the....SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!

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